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Product-Portable AC
Product-Portable AC
How Do I Determine if 6500 Btus or 12000 Btus Is Better for My Needs?
If your room is 300 square feet, has a high roof, and is often used by two or three people, then 12,000 BTUs of air conditioning may be more appropriate. Conversely, if the room is smaller, well insulated, and infrequently used, 6,500 BTUs of air conditioning may be sufficient.
What Is the Noise Level of Your Portable Air Conditioners?
DELLA's portable AC whispers at just 54 decibels. Enjoy peace and comfort without the disturbance of loud cooling.
How Well Do Your Portable Air Conditioners Cool?
Portable air conditioners can cool a room by 15–20°F, depending on the size of the unit and the amount of heat in the room. For example, if the room is 80°F, the air coming out of the air conditioner will be 60–65°F.Here are some factors that can affect how well a portable air conditioner cools:Size: A larger unit can cool a larger room. For example, a unit with 8,000 BTUs can cool a room of 350 square feet, while a larger room may need a unit with 10,000 BTUs. BTUs, or British Thermal Units, measure how much energy an air conditioner uses to remove heat from a room in an hour.Room configuration: Portable air conditioners are often used in homes where window units can't be installed due to building regulations or window configuration.Home energy efficiencyThe effectiveness of a portable air conditioner can also be affected by the home's energy efficiency.
What Is the After-Sales Guarantee for DELLA Portable Air Conditioners?
All our products come with a 1-year limited warranty, starting from your order receipt date.
How long do portable air conditioners last?
Portable air conditioners typically last 5–10 years, but proper maintenance can extend their lifespan by up to five years. Factors that can affect a portable air conditioner's lifespan include:Usage: The more you use your air conditioner, the more maintenance it needs.Placement: Improper installation can cause parts to overheat or strain.Environment: Salty air, poor air quality, and high humidity can shorten the life of your air conditioner.
Why Is My Portable Air Conditioner Leaking?
Here are some common reasons why your portable air conditioner might leak:Improper Installation: If the unit isn't placed on a flat, level surface, water may not drain correctly and could start leaking. Ensure the air conditioner is installed on a level surface.Clogged Drain Line: Portable air conditioners have a drain line that can get blocked with dirt, lint, or debris, causing water to back up and leak from the unit. Cleaning the drain line can resolve this issue.Faulty Pump: If your portable air conditioner uses a pump to remove water, a malfunction or blockage in the pump can cause leaks. Check the pump for any obstructions or signs of malfunction.Dirty or Frozen Coils: Dirty or frozen evaporator coils can disrupt the unit's operation and lead to leakage. Regularly clean the coils and check for ice buildup, allowing the unit to defrost if necessary.Air Leakage: Improperly sealed air intake and exhaust connections can allow humid outdoor air to mix with cooled indoor air, creating excess moisture that may result in leaks. Ensure all seals and connections are securely fastened.Addressing these issues can help prevent leaks and ensure the efficient operation of your portable air conditioner.