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What should I do if my mini split air conditioner is leaking?
What should I do if my mini split air conditioner is leaking?

Troubleshooting a Leaking Mini-Split Air Conditioner

If your mini-split air conditioner is leaking, addressing the issue promptly can prevent damage and maintain the system's efficiency. Here’s how you can troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

  • Check the Condensate Drain Line: Leaks are often caused by clogs in the condensate drain line. Ensure it is clear of any blockages by flushing it thoroughly.

  • Inspect the Air Filters: Dirty air filters can obstruct airflow, leading to ice formation on the coils. When this ice melts, it can cause leaks. Clean or replace the filters as necessary to prevent this issue.

  • Examine the Installation: Improper installation, such as incorrect tilting of the indoor unit, can lead to water backing up. Ensure that the unit is slightly tilted towards the drain side to facilitate proper drainage.

  • Consult a ProfessionalIf these troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, it may be time to consult a professional. Feel free to contact us at for further assistance.

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