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What BTU mini split air conditioner do I need for my room?
What BTU mini split air conditioner do I need for my room?

Determining the Appropriate BTU Capacity for a Mini-Split Air Conditioner

To determine the appropriate BTU (British Thermal Unit) capacity for a mini-split air conditioner in a room, follow these steps:

  • Calculate Square Footage: Measure the length and width of the room and multiply these dimensions to get the square footage. Typically, you’ll need about 20 BTUs per square foot of living space. For example, a 300-square-foot room would require 6,000 BTUs (300 square feet x 20 BTUs per square foot).
  • Consider Additional Factors: Take into account other factors that may affect your cooling needs, such as room height, window size, and exposure to sunlight. These elements influence the required capacity.
  • Consult with Experts: For the most accurate BTU requirement tailored to your specific situation, we recommend consulting with our experts. Please contact us at for personalized assistance.

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