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How often should a mini split air conditioner be maintained?
How often should a mini split air conditioner be maintained?

A mini split air conditioner should typically be maintained at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and longevity. However, there are a few specific maintenance tasks that should be performed regularly:

  • Cleaning Filters: The indoor unit's air filters should be cleaned every month, especially during high-use seasons. This helps maintain air quality and efficiency.

  • Checking the Outdoor Unit: Ensure that the outdoor unit is clear of debris, leaves, and dirt, which can block airflow and reduce efficiency. This check should be done seasonally.

  • Inspecting Refrigerant Lines: Annually check for leaks or damage in the refrigerant lines.

  • Professional Maintenance: Even if you perform regular basic maintenance, it's advisable to have a professional HVAC technician inspect and service your mini-split system annually.

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