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How do I maintain a mini split air conditioner?
How do I maintain a mini split air conditioner?

Maintaining a mini-split air conditioner involves several key steps to ensure it operates efficiently and has a long lifespan. Here are the specific steps:

  • Clean or Replace Air Filters: During high-use periods, remove the air filters every month and either clean or replace them, depending on your model. This helps improve air quality and unit efficiency.

  • Clean the Condensate Drain: Periodically check the condensate line for clogs, which can cause water to back up and potentially damage the system. Flush the line to keep it clear.

  • Clean the CoilsDust and dirt can accumulate on both the evaporator and condenser coils, reducing the system's efficiency. Clean these coils carefully at least once a year using a soft brush and coil cleaner.

  • Schedule Professional Servicing: It’s a good practice to have a professional HVAC technician inspect and service your mini-split system annually. They can perform more complex checks and maintenance tasks, such as inspecting electrical connections and ensuring all mechanical components are in good working order.

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